The Original
Our favorite way to enjoy leafcandy™ is on mixed greens, tossed with candied almond slices and dried cranberries.

Sometimes we will add Feta cheese, but be careful cheese can overpower the sweetness of leafcandy™. Unless that is what you're going for!

The Candied Almonds Recipe
2 cups sliced almonds
3 heaping Tablespoons butter

Melt butter in microwave safe bowl.  Pour almonds into butter, stir to coat them well.  Pour almonds into a casserole dish lined with foil.  Sprinkle sugar; stir almonds to make sure they get sugar on both sides.  Bake at 400 for 15-20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.  Almonds are done when they are toasty brown.  Let cool.

The Spinach Way
Another way to enjoy leafcandy™ is on spinach, tossed with candied almond slices and fresh strawberries or fruit of your choice.

As a Marinade
We have enjoyed leafcandy™ on chicken & shrimp.

As an Alternative to Soy Sauce
Since Dann is allergic to soy and can no longer enjoy teriyaki or soy sauce, we like to use leafcandy™ on rice and chicken bowls.

Chicken Wings
We like to make a quick meal by ordering Dominos™ plain chicken wings and brush on a layer of leafcandy™. Place wings in oven pre-heated to 450 for approximately 4 minutes. The leafcandy™ will caramelize and remain tangy and sweet! Delicious!

As Sandwich Spread
We use it in addition to mayonaise (made with Canola Oil, of course) on turkey sandwiches! It gives them a great tangy kick.


Submitted by: Amber Guerra
I seriously love it! My favorite combo... greens and/or spinach, with almonds, cranberries, tomatoes and goat cheese!

Please send us your favorite ways to enjoy leafcandy™!

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